Can you drink more coffee than your coworkers?

Riddler Headquarters is a buzzing hive of activity. Mathematicians, statisticians and programmers roam the halls at all hours, proving theorems and calculating probabilities. They’re fueled, of course, by caffeine. But the headquarters has just one coffee pot, along with one unbreakable rule: You finish the joe, you make some mo’.

Specifically, the coffee pot holds one gallon of coffee, and workers fill their mugs from it in sequence. Whoever takes the last drop has to make the next pot, no ifs, ands or buts. Every worker in the office is trying to take as much coffee as he or she can while minimizing the probability of having to refill the pot. Also, this pot is both incredibly heavy and completely opaque, so it’s tough to tell how much remains. That means a worker can’t keep pouring until she sees or feels just a drop left. Anyone stuck refilling the pot becomes so frustrated that they throw their cup to the ground in frustration, so they get no coffee that round.

Congratulations! You’ve just been hired to work at Riddler Headquarters. Submit a number between 0 and 1. (It could be 0.9999, or 0.0001, or 0.5, or 0.12345, and so on.) This is the number of gallons of coffee you will attempt to take from the pot each time you go for a cup. If that amount remains, lucky you, you get to drink it. If less remains, you’re out of luck that round; you must refill the pot, and you get no coffee.

Once I’ve received your submissions, I’ll randomize the order in which you and your colleagues head for the pot. Then I’ll run a lot of simulations — thousands of hypothetical trips to the coffee pot in the Riddler offices. Whoever drinks the most coffee is the ☕ Caffeine King or Queen ☕ of Riddler Headquarters!

In [58]:
%matplotlib inline

In [209]:
from IPython.display import HTML, FileLink
import imageio
import io
import itertools
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import string

def generate_names(n, length=5):
    return [''.join(s) for s in np.random.choice(list(string.ascii_uppercase), size=(n, length))]

def generate_list(n, seed_values=None):
    """Create a list of coworkers with their preferred coffee amount.
    # names = generate_names(n)
    if seed_values is not None:
        values = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n-len(seed_values))
        values = np.concatenate([values, seed_values], axis=0)
        values = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=n)
    return [{'value': value, 'hit': 0, 'miss': 0, 'coffee': 0} for value in values]

def sample_previous_list(values, weights):
    """Randomly sample with replacement based on the weights from the previous simulation.
    values = np.random.choice(values, size=len(values), replace=True, p=weights/weights.sum())
    scale = 10**-4
    values = values + np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=scale, size=len(values))
    values = np.clip(values, 0.0, 1.0)
    return [{'value': value, 'hit': 0, 'miss': 0, 'coffee': 0} for value in values]

def run_simulation(entries, n_pots=100):
    volume = 1.0
    for idx in itertools.cycle(range(len(entries))):
        entry = entries[idx]
        v = entry['value']
        if v >= volume:
            # no coffee for you
            entry['miss'] += 1
            volume = 1.0
            n_pot += 1
            if n_pot >= n_pots:
            volume -= v
            entry['hit'] += 1
            entry['coffee'] += v
    df = pd.DataFrame(entries)
    df['n_pots'] = n_pots
    return df

In [208]:
entries = generate_list(n=10**4)
df = run_simulation(entries, n_rounds=10**8)

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
0 0.958783 1 27173 0.958783 100000000
1 9226.517223 27173 1 0.339547 100000000
2 0.799232 1 27173 0.799232 100000000
3 16055.206983 27173 1 0.590851 100000000
4 0.827265 1 27173 0.827265 100000000

In [210]:
df.groupby(pd.qcut(df['value'], 10)).mean()

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
(-0.000914, 0.0972] 1258.166164 25978.257 1195.650 0.049107 100000000.0
(0.0972, 0.198] 3382.853616 23016.305 4157.609 0.147585 100000000.0
(0.198, 0.297] 5277.704801 21440.213 5733.698 0.246980 100000000.0
(0.297, 0.396] 6589.908624 18967.390 8206.522 0.348294 100000000.0
(0.396, 0.496] 7751.714368 17445.660 9728.261 0.445410 100000000.0
(0.496, 0.595] 8363.378841 15380.438 11793.477 0.544829 100000000.0
(0.595, 0.695] 9126.661619 14184.783 12989.133 0.645304 100000000.0
(0.695, 0.797] 9957.823226 13369.567 13804.359 0.745374 100000000.0
(0.797, 0.899] 9508.458980 11222.830 15951.081 0.848221 100000000.0
(0.899, 1.0] 10172.062874 10733.693 16440.210 0.948519 100000000.0

In [211]:
def plot_distributions(df):
    nrows = 3
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=1, figsize=(8, 4.5*nrows))
    #cut = pd.qcut(df['value'], 40)
    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, 51)
    cut = pd.cut(df['value'], bins)
    # expected value of coffee
        .assign(coffee=lambda r: r['coffee'] / (r['hit'] + r['miss']))
        .bar(y='coffee', ax=axes[0])
    axes[0].set_title('coffee', fontsize=16)
    axes[0].set_ylim([0, 1.0])
    # hit ratio
        .assign(hit_ratio=lambda r: r['hit'] / (r['hit'] + r['miss']))
        .bar(y='hit_ratio', ax=axes[1])
    axes[1].set_title('hit ratio', fontsize=16)
    axes[1].set_ylim([0, 1.0])
    # distribution of request values
    df.groupby(cut).count().rename(columns={'n_rounds': 'count'})'count', ax=axes[2])
    axes[2].set_title('distribution of request values', fontsize=16)
    return fig


In [213]:
df.sort_values('coffee', ascending=False).head(10)

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
8858 27165.643435 27174 0 0.999692 100000000
180 27163.925668 27174 0 0.999629 100000000
4143 27161.937194 27174 0 0.999556 100000000
9580 27158.630199 27173 0 0.999471 100000000
1094 27152.226009 27174 0 0.999199 100000000
5626 27142.675680 27174 0 0.998847 100000000
1772 27135.075607 27174 0 0.998568 100000000
513 27126.508139 27174 0 0.998252 100000000
3904 27116.142030 27174 0 0.997871 100000000
5531 27105.077999 27174 0 0.997464 100000000

In [214]:

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
0 0.958783 1 27173 0.958783 100000000
1 9226.517223 27173 1 0.339547 100000000
2 0.799232 1 27173 0.799232 100000000
3 16055.206983 27173 1 0.590851 100000000
4 0.827265 1 27173 0.827265 100000000
5 26136.445107 27173 1 0.961853 100000000
6 0.201946 1 27173 0.201946 100000000
7 26155.701568 27173 1 0.962562 100000000
8 0.421991 1 27173 0.421991 100000000
9 18766.550950 27173 1 0.690632 100000000

In [215]:
entries = sample_previous_list(df['value'], df['coffee'])
df = run_simulation(entries, n_rounds=10**7)

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
0 1868.411682 2317 0 0.806393 10000000
1 0.000000 0 2317 0.864433 10000000
2 1699.132768 2317 0 0.733333 10000000
3 0.000000 0 2317 0.782456 10000000
4 1430.193414 2317 0 0.617261 10000000
5 0.000000 0 2317 0.413021 10000000
6 1849.559662 2317 0 0.798256 10000000
7 0.000000 0 2317 0.992183 10000000
8 1733.524264 2317 0 0.748176 10000000
9 0.000000 0 2317 0.331643 10000000

In [216]:


In [218]:
def create_simulation_animation(video_filepath):
    n_entries = 10**4
    n_rounds = n_entries * 10**4
    entries = None
    n_frames = 90
    fps = 3
    video_writer = imageio.get_writer(video_filepath, mode='I', fps=fps)
    for i in range(n_frames):
        if entries is None:
            # first time initialization
            entries = generate_list(n=n_entries)
            # sample the values based on the results of the previous simulation
            entries = sample_previous_list(df['value'], df['coffee'])
        df = run_simulation(entries, n_rounds=n_rounds)
        f = plot_distributions(df)
        buf = io.BytesIO()
        f.savefig(buf, format='png')
        img = imageio.imread(buf)
    return df, HTML(
        <video width="976" height="576" controls>
          <source src="{}" type="video/mp4">

video_filepath = os.path.expanduser('./simulation_progress.mp4')
df, html = create_simulation_animation(video_filepath)

WARNING:root:IMAGEIO FFMPEG_WRITER WARNING: input image is not divisible by macro_block_size=16, resizing from (972, 576) to (976, 576) to ensure video compatibility with most codecs and players. To prevent resizing, make your input image divisible by the macro_block_size or set the macro_block_size to None (risking incompatibility). You may also see a FFMPEG warning concerning speedloss due to data not being aligned.

In [204]:
df.sort_values('coffee', ascending=False).head(10)

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
7222 19.982143 20 0 0.999107 100000
8164 19.982095 20 0 0.999105 100000
6350 19.982082 20 0 0.999104 100000
3988 19.982023 20 0 0.999101 100000
6004 19.982015 20 0 0.999101 100000
1998 19.981761 20 0 0.999088 100000
8220 19.981703 20 0 0.999085 100000
7718 19.981671 20 0 0.999084 100000
2742 19.981562 20 0 0.999078 100000
5472 19.981535 20 0 0.999077 100000

In [206]:

coffee hit miss value n_rounds
0 19.615506 20 0 0.980775 100000
1 0.000000 0 20 0.993964 100000
2 19.830862 20 0 0.991543 100000
3 0.000000 0 20 0.983844 100000
4 19.850501 20 0 0.992525 100000
5 0.000000 0 20 0.996549 100000
6 19.242253 20 0 0.962113 100000
7 0.000000 0 20 0.998820 100000
8 19.345996 20 0 0.967300 100000
9 0.000000 0 20 0.993819 100000

In [176]:

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